Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Final Day at Omrit

So today was our final day at the site and on the kibbutz. I am sad to leave, but on the other hand I am ready to go home and see my family and friends in the states. Here are some final photos of squares and the banquet at the end of the day.

Part of the square that Nanette excavated earlier in the season.

Greg's square pose for a picture in their square on the final day with their final product. From eft to right Jordan, Nancy, Carli, Lindsay, Mark, Kaylen, and Greg.

Amy's square goofs off on the final day. From left to right, Joey, Amy, Becca, Richie, and Jordan, in the front, Tracey.

Andy gives a speech at the pool at the last day banquet.

Andy and Dan look on as Greta says a few words.

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